Instructions for making a Prosperity Map or Wheel of Fortune

by Catherine Ponder
pge.188-90 Millionaires of the Genesis

1. Keep quiet about your pictures. Do not discuss them or try to convince others to try this method. The words "secret" and "sacred" have the same root meaning. What is sacred should be secret. Do not "talk away" your good.

2. Use big, colorful, beautiful poster boards if you want big, beautiful, colorful results in your life.

A college professor made a small, crowded, drab, colorless success map for travel abroad and it worked! He had a crowded, drab, colorless trip.

3. Use definite colors for definite results desired. According to the ancient science of color, you should use:

Green or Gold poster boards for financial success maps, for job and career success; Yellow or White for increased spiritual understanding; Blue for intellectual accomplishments such as writing a book or finishing a degree; Orange or Bright Yellow for health, energy, a more vital life; Pink, Rose or Warm Red for love, harmony, marriage, happiness in human relationships

Color is important because color impresses the subconscious mind much faster than black or white.

Whether or not you follow the foregoing ancient color chart, be sure to use colored poster board, always in a color that appeals to you emotionally.

4. Use colored pictures, rather than black and white ones, on your colored poster boards. A recent comment was "Now I know why my pictured good took so long to manifest. I had used black and white pictures and backgrounds rather than colored ones.

5. Do not clutter your board, unless you want cluttered results. Make a several maps for various phases of your life.

A housewife explained, "Now I know why our house is so crowded. We placed a small, crowded house on our success map and we got just that!" Soon after she made a new map for a larger house, it came through her husband's promotion and job transfer.

6. On your financial poster board, put money, not just things you want. Otherwise you may get those "things" plus indebtedness. Use play money or checks.

Also use specific affirmations for wealth if you expect specific financial increase such as the following;
"I am open and receptive to the vast wealth that the universe has for me now. I am beautifully and appropriately clothed, housed, transported and supplied with the rich substance of the universe now. The enormous sums of money that are mine by Divine right now manifest for me under grace in perfect ways. I welcome them in humility, wisdom and peace. I am receiving, I am receiving all the wealth that the universe has for me now."

A specific for marriage that has worked for a number of people after they placed it on their success map was this;
"Divine love active in me now manifest for me my own true (wife, husband) for life. We enjoy a healthy, happy, prosperous marriage together here and now."

7. Place a spiritual symbol on your posterboard, such as the picture of Christ, the Bible or a Bible promise. This gives your desires a spiritual protection and opens the way for what you have pictured or something better to come to you.

8.View your success map everyday, preferably early in the morning and just before sleeping. The more often you view your pictured desires, the quicker the results will come.
A young Insurance salesman sold more than a Million Dollar's worth of insurance during his first year in business, after he quietly followed the foregoing instructions and pictured those results on a success map.


by Catherine Ponder
pges.187 Millionaires of the Genesis

The fantastic power that lies in deliberately picturing what you want was brought to my attention many years ago by an engineer in Alabama who designed a "wheel of fortune" which worked so well for him that he went from a mediocre job in the Deep South to a multimillion dollar construction job in the Midwest.

He used a large piece of poster board, outlined a circle on it which he divided for the various departments of his life: financial, job, family, health, vacation and spiritual growth. In each segment he placed pictures of the good he wished to experience in that phase of his life.

Later, a college professor in Austin, Texas, and a lawyer in San Antonio showed me simpler "success maps" which they made that produced equally successful results for them.

Also, from years of experience in making success maps for myself and others, I would like to share with you these ideas which I have found very helpful in manifesting one's good through pictures:
see posted Instructions for making a Prosperity Map or Wheel of Fortune